Authorized Dealer

The Garrett Ace 250 just might be the most amazing affordable metal detector! Whether you'll need to search in 'All Metal', 'Coin', 'Jewelry', 'Relic' also as your own 'Custom Program', there's a goodies in your dirt to uncover with this powerful yet will not break the bank!
You'll be able to personalize the sensitivity, discrimination, eliminate a target and that means you don't dig up more crap than necessary, and make the most from your pinpoint button to center in more targets and the meter notifies you identifying the find with information on the display about it.
Battery power is just amazing and will last well beyond twenty hours utilizing four AA's & earphones. The Ace 250 is very light weight making it easy to swing, which keeps you inside the sport for a long number of hours.
And lastly, the meter is very accurate. It's been my experience when the Ace 250 meter notifies you of what you've detected, that's usually what's in the dirt, together with the depth gauge is generally accurate. There's nothing available that's far better for that cost outside the Garrett line with it’s accurate Graphic Target ID.
Key Features
Electronic Pinpointing: to precisely locate target and speed recovery
Accept/Reject Discrimination: to modify discrimination patterns
Five Search Modes: select pre-set discrimination pattern or create your own
Continuous Coin Depth Indicator: to determine target depth
Battery Condition Indicator: shows battery life continually
Interchangeable ACE series search-coils are available
Expanded Target ID Legend: easy-to-read above large LCD screen
Pushbutton Controls: with One-Touch operation
Other features: 3-piece travel/storage, disassembles to 24"; adjustable arm cuff; quarter-inch (1/4") size headphone jack.
5 Search Modes (Discrimination Patterns) plus electronic pinpointing
All Metal (Zero)
Garrett Ace 250

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